Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Just wanted to let everyone know that Marco has been admitted to the hospital.  Although, he had a great day on Sunday-he was tired toward the end.  
Monday morning he seemed light-headed as he had been the last week during his hospitalization but his medications have not caught up to the level needed to stabilize his blood pressure.  Around 10:30 Marco came up to have breakfast, sort of choked on his food and his pressure dropped to about 69 in which case we were going to rush him to the ER but I knew he had just had a stressful choking episode so we needed to let him get to breathing normally again, lay him down and monitor him.  And that's just what we did and he was fine the rest of the day.
Tuesday morning, he slept a little more as he had a bad night waking up a few times to go to the bathroom and even a catheter at one point.  He got up about 11 and again he was ok went to the bathroom and wash his face and he immediately felt faint, called the aide that was there with him and when I came down he was slumped over on her and she was trying to take his pulse but what not getting one???  I then took over held him up, saw that he was not responsive and called 911 (and then called Christine Braun who had been there earlier to check up and see how he was doing).  He could not move his body at all, he couldn't speak but he did blink.  I offered him gatorade, and when I brought it to his lips he was trying to drink so I knew that he somehow knew what was going on around him.  He drank a bit and that helped him to come back and I put his CPAP mask on so that he could get some air forced in and that helped until the EMT came and they rushed him to Winthrop hospital about noon.   At Winthrop, they were trying to just stabilize and monitor him until they could get him transported to Columbia Presbyterian in Upper Manhattan.   Finally, at about 8pm I spoke to the doctor Sandeem(PA) who spoke to Ajemian (PCP)who had talked to the Cardiologist Mancini and they decided to admit him overnight at Winthrop and to try to get him transported the next day.  I  finally left about 9:30pm and he was still waiting for a bed.  The plan I'm hoping is to get him stable enough that he can then proceed with the open heart surgery for the mitral regurgitation (leaking valves).  Marco however doesn't feel (as I do too) that he is not stable enough (at least right now) to undergo this surgery.  We'll see what happens today.

1 comment:

  1. It is a wonderful and beautiful thing to see all this love and concern in your lives, supporting and strengthening both of you. May all go well with Marco's operation, God and soul willing. ...Maryann
